The Bride’s Pole
“The “”bride’s post”” is located in the section of the village houses called the plain. The flatbed is the part where there are kitchen supplies, wheat and flour warehouses, beds and items that meet all the needs of the house.
Village weddings in Anatolia are held in a time frame extending to a week. On the last day of the wedding, the bride is taken from her house with a ceremony called a “bridal departure” and the groom is brought to her house. As the bride enters the house, the groom and his friends empty a handkerchief consisting of nuts and coins from the roof of the house to the bride’s head.
A new wedding is held at the groom’s house, which means a welcome to the bride, the first contact takes place between the decoy bride and the women of the groom’s side in front of the bride’s pole.
While the women are playing in front of the bride in the house, the groom and his friends are still shooting on the roof of the house.
Village weddings in Anatolia are the most important event that allows young people to have the opportunity to see the girls.
The bride’s pole means “now you are the pole of this house” to the woman who enters the groom’s house.”