Minister Ağbal visited ‘culture house in Beşpınar’
- 6 October 2016
- Posted by: Muze Yonetimi
- Category: Duyurular

Finance Minister Naci Ağbal visited Kenan Yavuz Culture and Ethnography Museum in Bayburt, where he came to make a series of examinations. Addressing the public to Minister Ağbal, Bayburt Deputy Assoc. Dr. Şahap Kavcıoğlu, Governor İsmail Ustaoğlu, Mayor Mete Memiş, Bayburt University Rector Prof. Dr. Selçuk Coşkun and businessman Kenan Yavuz were accompanied.
In his speech addressing the citizens he met in front of the tea house, Ağbal stated that they have been working hard to move the country forward since the 1 November elections. Stating that they are continuing the race of service, Ağbal said, “There are big projects that will carry our country forward. We are implementing each of these projects one by one. We see once more how important these projects are when we experience some problems recently. Both Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge will be put into service. third airport construction in progress should be really important. They will take Turkey forward, develop the projects will be, “he said. Ağbal, reminding that the people who came together at the wedding to ensure the most sacred union in Gaziantep were martyred by the use of suicide bombers, continued as follows: “This attack on them is an attack against our whole nation, state, unity, solidarity, brotherhood. We strongly condemn and condemn this. Humanity is a point where the word ends. What would you say with this nation? What is this hostility towards the unity and solidarity of this nation? We know that these terrorist organizations are dealing with this nation separately or together with the state, but we have no we will not give up the time. our state should Armed our safety requirements force our forces, adding day and night to combat them, they shield their lives. Both need our President, our Prime Minister, our government together until the end against these terrorist attacks carried out against Turkey sheer power we get from our standing as a nation we will fight. ”
Emphasizing that the nation supports this struggle to the end, Ağbal said, “May Allah be pleased with all of you. This struggle is obviously a long-term struggle. On the one hand, the PKK, the tool of foreign powers, is carrying out treacherous and despicable attacks against our security forces and civil citizens in different parts of the country every day. We, as the state, will respond to these actions that they are doing. In no way will the blood of our citizens and security forces remain on the ground. ” said. “There is no way not possible to meet Islamic terrorism,” Minister Ağbal, Dease that these acts of terrorism that the terrorist organization is conducting today in Syria still needed in Iraq want to move to Turkey and said that occasionally happen. Ağbal gave the following views: “Again, as the state, as the government, our security forces are also in struggle with this organization. This organization is obviously the pawn of certain foreign powers. In this geography, we saw that this organization suddenly emerged. Was there such a thing? Both in Syria and in Iraq, it has smeared that region with blood. Is it possible that there is something like Muslims referring to the blood of Muslims? It is not possible for Islam to come together with terrorism. They use the name of Islam, but they are the biggest enemies of Islam. they also obviously have no intention recent days, especially for operations against Turkey with certain powers of orders and instructions and carry them. ” DHKP-C in a very different point, in other countries that try to make stronger attacks against Turkey pointing Ağbal, said they struggled with this.
Minister Ağbal, referring to FETO, said, “There is such a terrorist organization besides them that the shield that sits with everyone, cooperates with terrorist organizations, is the terrorist organization FETO itself, which has spread to the capillaries of this nation. God damn them. It is an organization that comes out of it and refers to the life, property and state of this nation. There is on each side, they are in us, they are in different places. Emphasizing that the FETO terrorist organization will be rooted to the end no matter where the state and nation may be, Ağbal said, “In no way will they be tolerated. The struggle against them will of course be within the rule of law, within the framework of the law. will be determined one by one and delivered to the Turkish justice. ‘ I hope these will be eradicated. ” he spoke. “All of this nation, the state, enemies of Muslims,” ”Every event in the history of the occurrence, you’re looking at the relationship between events, all that I mentioned terrorist organizations obviously are seated themselves, get up, they ‘How can we fight against Turkey, what you can do, what can I do ‘they do this.’ Using the expression Ağbal, his words are as follows