Instead of the reality of villages with sufficient production capabilities and providing food support to life in cities, we are faced with the reality of villages with a decreasing and aging population structure.
The migration process from villages to cities began in the 1960s. Millions of people went from Anatolia, both domestically and abroad. The technological revolution that took place since the 2000s has greatly diminished the desire of young people to live in villages.
Despite the great distance covered in education, health, transportation and infrastructure, the continuation of migration and decreasing production pose a great threat to our food supply security.
Numerous problems such as divided lands, inheritance fights, being a villager not being a status symbol in the social plane, and even being sociologically belittled, not being able to find shepherds, an education system that pushes young people to become white-collar workers, and local production that has not been commercialized and branded can be listed in the formation of this threat.
As Kenan Yavuz Cultural Foundation and Museum, in addition to our efforts to keep our tangible and intangible cultural heritage alive, we have included contributing to the activation of local production capabilities among our goals.
We aim to implement the principles defined by the Sustainable Development systematic by working together with local dynamics.
We will pioneer good agricultural practices with the mechanisms to be established by activating our network at national and international levels.